Workshop "Electronics for extreme environments"

  • 30 June 2022
  • Clifton Hill House, Bristol, UK

What To Expect At The Event

  • Learn how ZeroAMP will make electronic devices that can survive up to 300 °C and 5 Mrad
  • Discover how Zeroamp technology can be applied to edge computing and IoT
  • Find out how ZeroAMP can enhance FPGA and non volatile memory
  • Networking opportunities within ZeroAMP consortium and with other attendees
  • Insights on key aspects of our technology and of our roadmap
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Register for the workshop

Due to limited number of seats for this in person session, registration alone will not guarantee approval for your participation. Approval will be confirmed by e-mail from the ZeroAMP Workshop Organising Team in due time.

Data protection
Your personal data will be used strictly for organisational purposes. Please refer to our privacy policy for further information.


Agenda – Times are in BST (+1)

Hybrid session – "NEMS technology for beyond CMOS applications"
Overview of the Chips Act
Marco Ceccarelli
European Commission
More than Moore and beyond CMOS: ZeroAMP project
Piers Tremlett | Dinesh Pamunuwa
Microchip Technology | University of Bristol
Potential of NEMS technology – a foundry perspective
Stefan Ernst
X-FAB Marketing Manager
Nanoelectromechanical silicon photonics
Søren Stobbe
DTU Fotonik
Driving MEMS into the automotive industry
Andrew Moore
Warwick Manufacturing Group
In person session – "From concept to product"
Introduction to participants
Target applications for ZeroAMP
ZeroAMP'S technology roadmap
Panel discussion with ECO members and other invited guests
Closing remarks
This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 871740 (ZeroAMP).
© 2020 ZeroAMP Project
Created by SCIPROM